Our FAQ page features articles about the information we feel is important to you, your health, and your family. We will be updating our articles periodically. We hope you find the information useful and easy to read. If you have an idea about a question you would like us to answer, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. It is easy, just go to our Contact Us page and click!
Who should Pre-Medicate Before a Dental Procedure?
Pre-Medication recommendation have changed and you might not be required to take use an antibiotic prior to your dental treatment.
Previously, patients might have been asked to take an antibiotic prior to their dental appointments. Studies have shown the use of antibiotics, in many cases, was not needed and possibly caused antibiotic resistance.
The updated guidelines focus on the patients with the greatest risk of developing Infectious Endocarditis or IE, a serious heart infection and other severe health risks or problems.
The updated recommendations apply to a few dental treatments, such as your regular check-up and cleaning or hygiene appointments. As always, it is important to check with your own primary care physician, your cardiologist and/or orthopedic surgeon for their specific, individual recommendations for your requirements.
We will follow what their recommendation are for your specific requirements. Our goal is to keep you healthy!
The updated guidelines are focusing on patients who are at the greatest risk of both developing IE and serious life threatening problems.
The updated recommendations apply to a few dental treatments, including cleaning and tooth extractions. As always, it is important to check with your own primary care physician and/or your cardiologist to receive specific recommendations for your individual condition and requirements.
We will follow your specific requirements and recommendations to keep you healthy.
What is FlUoride and Why is it Important to my teeth?
An article was published in the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) in August 2006 with updated standards for the recommendations of the use of fluoride applications. They state fluoride is not just for children anymore!
Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance that is present in almost all sources of drinking water. It is necessary for the proper development of teeth and bones and it protects teeth once they have erupted into the mouth.
Topical fluoride, applied directly to the enamel surface, helps provide additional protection against decay after the teeth have come into your mouth. Fluoride enhances the replacement of minerals lost from your enamel surfaces, re-hardening the tooth. If decay is present but still in the enamel layer of the tooth, fluoride can help stop its growth before you require a filling. This is important news for all ages!
Our office uses an application called fluoride varnish. Most people are familiar with the foam trays. The fluoride varnish is a updated form of fluoride, which has been shown to work much better than the foam applications. The fluoride varnish contains high concentrations of the fluoride ion in a resin carrier for slow absorption directly into the enamel of the tooth. The varnish forms a sticky layer on the tooth following application and hardens on contact with saliva. When it remains on the teeth for four to six hours, most studies have shown it will help to reduce the formation of decay by about 25% to 45%.
There are some concerns regarding the correct amount of fluoride that children should have in their diet. Too little might lead to tooth decay, while, too much could lead to enamel fluorosis. Fluorisis is the discoloration that will be seen in the adult teeth, which are growing beneath the gums. However, once all of the permanent teeth have erupted into your mouth, enamel flurosis can no longer develop. If parents or caregivers are worried about this, they can have their water tested to determine the amount of fluoride is in the water. They might need to give their children fluoride supplements.
While we highly recommend brushing and flossing your children's teeth, it is not recommended to use fluoride based toothpastes or dental products with them, until after the age of two. This is an important precaution. Many children like the taste of toothpaste and mouthwash and they might want to eat or drink it. We would like you to teach your children that these products should not be swallowed, but spit out. Mouthwash might have an alcohol base, and children should not swallow it. Very large amounts of fluoride, in very small bodies, could be potentially poisonous. It is best to keep both the toothpaste and mouthwash out of the reach of children, just to be safe.
We have more information available in the office about your children's dental care if you have questions or would like more information.
We recommend brushing and flossing every day, using an American Dental Association approved toothpaste; however, some adults are at a higher risk of tooth decay. Fluoride treatments might be of benefit to them.
There are three levels of risk factors for dental caries or cavities.
Many common medications, especially blood pressure medications, decrease saliva flow and increase the risk for dental decay because saliva helps neutralize the acids in the mouth and washes away food particles that fuel the decay-causing bacteria. Saliva also contains many minerals including fluoride that help keep teeth decay-free.
As the gums recede more of the teeth are exposed. The root surface is much softer than the chewing surface of teeth. This makes the teeth more susceptible to cavities along the gumline.
Decay is started by one specific strain of bacteria: streptococcus mutans. If you have had tooth decay in the past year you are at risk for more because you are in all probability a carrier of the bacteria and have the conditions necessary for the formation of cavities.
Crowned teeth are not immune to cavities. The edge where the crown meets the natural tooth structure can provide a hiding place for decay-causing bacteria.
Braces or a fixed retainer can make it difficult to reach all areas of the teeth when brushing and provide niches were food and plaque can hide leading to cavities.
If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you are in a higher risk group and may need a professional fluoride treatment to help prevent tooth decay. This simple preventative treatment is easy to provide to you at any of your dental appointments, and could be of great benefit to your oral health.
Insurance plans will generally benefit in-office fluoride treatments for children 15 years of age, sometimes to 18 years of age. The coverage varies based on the specific insurance policy. If you are unsure of your policy benefits, contact your insurance company for verification.
Fluoride helps build strong teeth starting at a young age, but it is a lasting effect throughout life. Appropriate intakes of fluoride can help people protect their teeth from decay and disease, when used with regular dental care and good oral hygiene.
We will gladly answer any questions you might have. We have also included some website links on our Links page.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Here are a few other websites that we find beneficial and would like to recommend.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us we look forward hearing from you.
The American Dental Association discusses 6 worst habits for your teeth and offers suggestions to help change those bad habits.
Is anyone in your home expecting the tooth fairy? Take a look at these fun ideas, including a smilestone album!
The American Academy of Pediatrics covers commonly asked questions from parents to help develop good oral health in their children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics explains the importance of preventing and reducing tooth decay in babies and toddlers.
The American Academy of Pediatrics discusses children's oral health and oral health care.
The American Academy of Pediatrics answers FAQ about the importance of fluoride for reducing cavities in children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics talks about the importance of helping you brush your children's teeth - you are never too young!
The American Academy of Pediatrics offers tips for brushing your children's teeth.
This ADA web site offers a variety of activities and information to promote early childhood dental health. Look at the fun articles about ways to work for prevention and to reduce the presences of decay.
mouthhealthy.org/en/kids-brushing-playlistNew paragraph
Make brushing fun and help your children get into good dental hygienic habits with these great songs to sing while brushing your teeth!
The ADA article discusses the importance of flossing and why it is very helpful for our oral health. Read about why we floss, watch the videos of how we floss and follow along with pictures to refine your technique. We will be happy to review flossing at your next appointment with us - just ask us!
The American Dental Association is the national professional organization for dentist. They provide us with the guidelines and recommendations for oral healthcare. We find the many topics they discuss very educational for our patients. Browse their web page for a topic of interest to you!
Antibiotic prophylaxis, or pre-medicating with oral antibiotics before dental treatment, has been the standard of care for many of our patients with certain conditions to protect their heart. This is good information to read and share your questions with us and your physician.
Antibiotic prophylaxis, or pre-medicating with oral antibiotics before dental treatment, is sometimes recommended after an artificial joint replacement surgery. The good news is the findings show not as many patients require pre-medication. This is good information to read and share your questions with both your Surgeon and us.
The American Dental Association has a short quiz for you to test your fluoride knowledge. See how well you do!
This link to the American Dental Association is great to reference on the importance of brushing and flossing. We delight in keeping your oral hygiene techniques great! Next time you have your check-up and cleaning ask us about the video we have on brushing and flossing - we would enjoy showing it to you!
A direct link to the American Dental Association article about the importance of using fluoride. Included are explanations about fluoride in drinking water, using fluoridated water for baby formula and fluouride applications offered in our office.
The Minnesota Dental Association is our state professional organization.
Phone: (952) 544-2225
Email: info@cedarhillsdentalcenter.com
Address: 10976 Cedar Lake Rd, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305
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